Altro giro, altra razza per D&D 5^ edizione. Stavolta trattasi di un altro grande classico, i mezzo-umani/mezzo-una-razza-marina-a-caso.
The waters of the world
are wide and deep, and unknown for those who live above, dwelling on
dry land and adventuring only briefly on the surface of the sea. And
yet many races call home the depths of the oceans, numerous are the
dwellers of the reef; they usually avoid any contact with the surface
folk, for conflict will certainly follow should such different
civilizations meet each other.
Those who dwell above
often fear and hate all the sea folk, for among them there are some
quite violent and vile races, true monsters and horrors whose raids
left their marks on history and legends alike.
Sometimes however the
contacts between humans and waterborne races are quite friendly, and
bear the sweet fruit of a child. The result of such unions is a so-called child of the seas, a member of a rare and enigmatic race of
mixed heritage that brings the blessing of the oceans. Sadly, there
is a chance that the birth of a child of the sea is not the blossom
of love, but rather an unwanted “gift” from a horrible
experience; such half-blood babies are often abandoned by their
mothers, as often are those among the children of the seas that are
born from a sea-faring parent. The ocean in vast and uncharted, and
those poor souls will never know their parents... a fact that
sometimes is a true blessing.
Le acque del mondo sono una distesa
sterminata e profonda, sconosciuta a quanti vivono al di sopra,
abitando nella terraferma e avventurandosi solo brevemente lungo la
superficie del mare. Eppure molte razze chiamano casa le profondità
oceaniche, numerosi sono gli abitanti delle barriere coralline;
solitamente evitano il contatto con le genti di superficie, poiché
scaturirebbe senza dubbio un conflitto dal contatto fra civiltà
tanto diverse. Quanti abitano al di sopra spesso temono le genti del
mare, poiché fra di esse vi sono alcune razze violente e malvagie,
veri e propri mostri e abomini i cui attacchi hanno lasciato il
proprio segno nella storia e nelle leggende.
Tuttavia, talvolta i contatti fra
umani e razze acquatiche sono alquanto amichevoli, e producono il
dolce frutto di un figlio. Il risultato di tali unioni è uno dei
cosiddetti figli dei mari, una razza rara ed enigmatica il cui
retaggio misto porta in sé le benedizioni degli oceani. Purtroppo
esiste la possibilità che la nascita di un figlio dei mari non sia
il fiorire dell'amore, quanto piuttosto un “dono” indesiderato
risultate da un'orribile esperienza; questi bambini mezzosangue
vengono spesso abbandonati dalle madri, come spesso accade a quanti
fra i figli dei mari nascono dai genitori marini. L'oceano è vasto e
inesplorato, e questi poveretti non conosceranno mai i propri
genitori... la qual cosa è a volte una vera e propria benedizione.
Your child of the seas
character has certain characteristics in common with all other
children of the seas.
Ability Score
Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Children
of the seas mature and age at the same rate as humans; according to
legends, when they die they are born anew among their sea-faring
parents, but there are no facts to prove this myth.
The legacy of a child of the seas does not predict his or her
alignment: as human beings do, children of the sea are free to pursue
their own dreams and ideals.
Children of the sea are about the same size as humans, ranging from 5
to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your
base walking speed in 30 feet.
You can breathe air and water.
Seaborn Reflexes.
While underwater, you gain advantage on Dexterity saving
Swim. You
have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
Languages. You
can speak, read, and write Aquan (a dialect of Primordial) and
Common; you gain an innate understanding of the language of elemental
water from your inhuman parent.
Subrace. Two
subraces of children of the seas are found among the worlds of D&D:
deepborn and sirenids. Choose one of these subraces.
Deepborn children of the
seas are the spawn of the less humanoid and benevolent races of the
oceans, those who live deep below the surface and are often regarded
as fiends or aberrations. A deepborn child of the sea has features
that not too vaguely suggest his heritage, such as big, round,
fish-like eyes, few if any facial and body hair, and scaly skin; his
teeth are sharp and deadly as the ones of a shark.
Despite those quite
unsettling traits, deepborns are not monsters, and often take pride
in their embracing the cause of mankind against their horrible
Ability Score
Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
You inherited the eyes of your waterborne parent, accustomed to the
darkness of deep water. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
Inhuman Physiology.
You gain Advantage on all saving throws against poison, as your mixed
heritage makes your blood more resistant to toxins.
Keen Senses.
You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Shark-Like Teeth.
Your numerous, sharp and pointy teeth are a fearsome weapons. You
gain an unharmed attack with your bite that deals 1d4 piercing damage
on a hit; when you use the Attack action to make a melee attack, you
can use a bonus action to make a single unharmed attack with your
Slippery Skin. You
have advantage in ability checks and saving throws made to escape a
Sailors and fishers tell
tales of the beauty of merfolk and sirens, the seductive inhabitants
of the sea whose flawless features conquer with love – or lust –
even the hardest heart. When an enamored human is lucky enough to
achieve his – or her – dream, and the union bears fruit, the
resulting baby is a sirenid child of the sea: beautiful beyond words
for the standards of both the parent races, a sirenid has the
potential to act as a leader and a bridge among two worlds, inspiring
land and sea folk alike.
Ability Score
Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Blessed with Beauty.
You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
Beautiful Seduction. You know the friends cantrip. When you reach
3rd level, you can cast the charm person spell once per day.
When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the suggestion
spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these